Sunday, September 12, 2010


Challah is a bread, usually braided, made with eggs, honey, oil, salt, yeast and flour.  Some bakers add raisins to the dough.  It is usually eaten during the Jewish sabbath.  Challah is similar to several other ethnic breads including the bread made for the Ukrainian holidays.  Using a no knead recipe, I made challah this past weekend.  I followed this recipe pretty closely (ingredients and directions) and didn't deviate except that I used whole wheat flour instead of white flour.  I only have whole wheat flour as I bought a 5 kg bag of organic locally milled whole wheat flour this Spring and was determined to use it for all of the baking that I do.  This recipe makes three loaves of bread.  I braided dough to make two loaves and the third one was baked in a regular loaf pan.  The bread that I made using this recipe is delicious according to several willing taste testers.  The following steps highlight some of the steps involved and the end result.

All of the ingredients are mixed together for one minute.
The dough looks darker because whole wheat flour is used.
After allowing the dough to rise, work can start on making a braided loaf. To braid a loaf you need to use three strips of dough that are about 22 to 24 inches long.

The finished result after braiding the three strips of dough.
The braided loaf is allowed to rise for two hours.  I made a circular braided loaf using a spring form pan.  
Before baking, the loaves are basted with a beaten egg wash followed by a generous sprinkling of sesame seeds. 
This loaf is now ready for the egg wash and sesame seeds.
Just out of the oven.
Ready for sampling!!

1 comment:

  1. It looks beautiful! I love the braid. I imagine it is as yummy as it looks!
